Friday, April 4, 2008

Backyard Blues

So last year, when we had a real house with a real backyard that was all to ourselves, it took us until June to mow the lawn, dig an 8x8 plot, and stick what little seedling babies were still hanging on for dear life into the ground. This year, hopefully it won't take quite so long to get it started; although we do obviously have a ways to go.

Here are the before pictures....

Notice the sexy waterlogged mattress off to the right side. And what you can't see is at least 2 inches worth of leaves, pecans, and other organic debris. I guess I need to get some compost going, too. Wish I had caught some of those pecans before they hit the ground and got rained on, too.

But here are all my delicious hopes and dreams laid out. Jon thinks it's weird, but I do fantasize about food. Copying down recipes can be just as tantalizing and juicy as reading a smutty novel. (I'm soo lame, I know...)

Maybe this year we'll get on the stick about it and have some veggies and herbs to munch on by the time summer rolls around. It'll help balance the grocery bills against the air conditioner, anyway. Guess I should take my time off and keep on sweating huh?

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