Friday, May 9, 2008

Homemade Granola Bars

You know when you get a recipe that sounds really good, but it just has 86 ingredients in it, so you put off making it for a long time? Well, I've got one of those recipes for some breakfast bars, from the Veggie Meal Plans blog, but it seems that I've wandered around the bulk section of Central Market enough recently to actually complete the recipe. And besides, it's not a terribly strict recipe, it seems that aside from the base, you can add five 1/3 cup measures of basically anything you want. This time I used almonds, pumpkin seeds, apricots, pears, golden raisins, and peaches.

These are a great break from the typical granola bar, because they're soft and chewy, and studded with so much dried fruit that adding sugar would just be over-kill. I've gotten pretty sick lately of store-bought granola bars; they're either hard like an oat-y little 2x4, or they've got that chewy, crispy rice texture that is so processed and syrupy that it shouldn't be considered much better than a cookie. These bars are none of the above, and I love them for it.

I'm already thinking about another batch later on. Since you can really do anything with this recipe, as long as the proportions stay the same, I was thinking of a slightly nuttier version, with apples, raisins and walnuts. I don't think hubby likes these so much, but being the breakfast lover that I am, I've been packing them away for meals and for snacks. Food in bar form just doesn't get much better than this.

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